Rock Walls In Vernon, BC

A rock retaining wall can be an impressive addition to your property. They look great, while creating more usable space. A rock retaining wall is constructed of boulders either sourced on-site or acquired from a local quarry. Building a rock retaining wall requires a skilled operator.

rock wall in Vernon

Rock Retaining Walls

Building a structurally-sound retaining wall that will last many years is about more than just stacking rocks. It’s about selecting the best pieces and methodically placing them atop one another to not only hold back the earth above, but create a beautiful feature that you can enjoy for decades to come.

We build top-quality rock retaining walls in the following areas:

How much does a retaining wall cost?

The cost of a rock retaining wall can vary a lot from project to project. Contact us for a free on-site estimate for your wall.

There are a variety of variables that can impact the cost of a trenching project including:

  • Accessibility of site

  • Length of the wall

  • Height of the wall

  • Current material costs

  • Proximity to a fill dump site and quarry, if required

Let Us Build Your Next Retaining Wall

Whether you’re trying to create more usable space around your home, hold back the earth to make space for a new structure, stabilize a bank or achieve another goal, we’d love to talk to you about how we can create the best wall for your needs.

We’d love the opportunity to earn your trust and your business. Contact us today for a free consultation.

If you’re interested in seeing some of our past projects, check out our project gallery.

It started with a water puddle and a boot! Sound familiar? As kids we loved making water run. Draining a puddle into a ditch and drying out the driveway in the spring or building roads in the sandbox with Tonka toys. Eventually we discovered the shovel and progressed to the family farm tractor and…