Our Story

It started with a water puddle and a boot! Sound familiar? As kids we loved making water run. Draining a puddle into a ditch and drying out the driveway in the spring or building roads in the sandbox with Tonka toys. Eventually we discovered the shovel and progressed to the family farm tractor and never looked back.

Dirt Nerd and its employees all have a love of equipment and have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours behind the controls of excavators, skid steers, tractors, and everything in between.

This experience literally makes the equipment a hydraulic extension of our mind and allows US to take on YOUR challenges and find the solution that works best for you. We are always working - creating spaces, shaping existing canvases and incorporating the features you’ve communicated into your project.  We are always figuring out how to get things done quickly and cost effectively.  It’s also about passion; we’ve been at this a long time - and we STILL get excited about nearly every project we do… even the mucky ones! And that, perhaps, is the most important factor of our success!